ICLAS: International Coordination-group on Laser Atmospheric Studies
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LIDAR RESEARCHER: Dr. Andreas Behrendt

MAILING ADDRESS: Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC), Kyoto University, Gokansho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

TELEPHONE NUMBER: + 81 774 38 3874

FAX NUMBER: + 81 774 31 8463

E-MAIL ADDRESS: behrendt@kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp

WEB SITE: http://www.kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~behrendt/

DATE: 12 August 2001

LIDAR LOCATION (CITY, COUNTRY, LAT., LONG.): MU Radar observatory, Shigaraki, Japan, 34.8 deg N, 136.1 deg E


PARAMETER(S) OR CONSTITUENT(S) MEASURED: Temperature (rotational Raman technique and Rayleigh integration technique), humidity (Raman technique), particle extinction coefficient and particle backscatter coefficient (rotational Raman technique)

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND SPONSOR: Lidar technique development, simultaneous radar-lidar measurements, atmospheric dynamics; A. Behrendt's stay at RASC is supported by fellowships of Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation and Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science.

MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE: Rotational Raman technique, Rayleigh integration technique

MEASUREMENT RANGE: >150 km (raw data); temperature by rotational Raman technique: troposphere and stratosphere, temperature by Rayleigh integration technique: stratosphere above aerosol layer and mesosphere, humidity, extinction coefficient, and backscatter coefficient: troposphere

VERTICAL RESOLUTION: 100 m (raw data)

FREQ. OF MEASUREMENT (TYPICALLY): On campaign basis (~ 5 days/month)


LASER TYPE AND WAVELENGTH (s): Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG, 532 nm



RECEIVER SIZE AND CONFIGURATION: Telescope primary mirror diameter of 820 mm, Cassegrain

DETECTORS USED: PMTs in single photon count mode (Electron Tubes, Hamamatsu)

PUBLICATIONS (5 recent and/or significant):
· Behrendt, A. and J. Reichardt: "Atmospheric Temperature Profiling in the Presence of Clouds with a Pure Rotational Raman Lidar Using an Interference-Filter-Based Polychromator". Applied Optics, 39, 9, p. 1372-1378, 2000.
· Behrendt, A., T. Nakanumra, Y. Sawai, M. Onishi, T. Tsuda: "Rotational vibrational-rotational Raman lidar: Design and performance of the RASC Raman lidar at Shigaraki (34.8 deg N, 136.1 deg E), Japan." Proceedings of The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 29 July - 3 August 2001, San Diego, CA, USA, in print.
· Behrendt, A. and Weitkamp, C.: "Optimizing the Spectral Parameters of a Lidar Receiver for Rotational Raman Temperature Measurements." Proceedings of the 20th International Laser Radar Conference, 9-14 July 2000, Vichy, France, in print.
· Dörnbrack, A.; Leutbecher, M.; Reichardt, J.; Behrendt, A.; Müller, K.-P.; Baumgarten, G.: "Relevance of mountain wave cooling for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia: Mesoscale dynamics and observations for January 1997".
Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 , D2 , p. 1569-1582, 2001.
· Reichardt, J.; A. Tsias, A. Behrendt: "Optical Properties of PSC Ia-enhanced at UV and Visible Wavelengths: Model and Observations". Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, p. 201-204, 2000.

COMMENTS: A. Behrendt's stay at RASC is planned for up to November 2002.


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